What happened to a lady being a lady? Now instead of embracing our fair sex we change it. Women inject things into their bodies to become fuller, rounder, bigger, smaller, browner, or paler than than how they are. Clothing has become tighter, shorter, skimpier, smaller, well let's just say almost non-existent. And to think folks were appalled in the early 1800's by the empire waist and sometimes sheer fabric! If our ancestors...if my gram...could come back today and see the state of what a lady is today I bet they would almost pass out and die all over again. I cannot avoid what some call "artists" or "stars" like Lady Gaga repulsive. Really...what makes a person named Gaga a lady? I cannot in any way think of her as a lady. No apologies here I am not quite an old geezer, and I am allowed an opinion. She is not an artist to me. She happens to be a focal point of our youth unfortunately leading them down a terrible "this is what we are supposed to look like and act like" path. I cannot drive past a billboard, go to a local department store, or watch a commercial on television without being inundated with what the 'lady' is supposed to look like today. HOGWASH! Now I am not overweight, I have some wrinkles, I am not pale or brown, I have a few rolls here that should be there, but I refuse to inject pig fat into my lips so I can look appealing. I would rather fry my pig fat in a cast iron skillet thank you very much. So here is to the ladies that take the time to look like ladies. The gals that appreciate who they were created to be and embrace modesty while promoting a social moral compass that steers the rest of us.
When I see the "hey guys look at me" woman in a mini-skirt with make-up everywhere and an exposed cleavage to boot...I cannot help but think of the Bible verse that says: Proverbs 11:22 "Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion"!