I just wanted to post a couple of thoughts about Christmas and what it has become to most folks these days. Without going on a rant here, I just so wish that Christmas, although it may still be a busy time, could get back to what the day is supposed to be about, the birth of the Lord and Savior, the actual Son of God in human form, Jesus the Messiah! Probably not going to happen huh! So much push to get and give so much "stuff." Whatever happened to the time when one gift, something simple given in love and received with great joy such as an orange (Ya, an orange like in the book Little Women) because it was an out of season gift hard to acquire, was enough. Time to take back the real meaning even if it means we're unpopular with many I think.
Hey, but this is a Historical Parody blog post so what about the history Jamie? Well read below for an account from Pvt. Jackman of the state of Kentucky's Orphan Brigade, CSA. December 25, 1864.
"For breakfast we had fresh pork, biscuit, sweet potatoes, etc. Cool disagreeable, morning. At noon cold rain commenced falling. Bad prospects for a Christmas dinner-can't cook in the rain. Slept all evening. Rain pouring down. Has been a gloomy day-being the fourth birthday spent in the army. At night sat up late chatting around a smoky fire built under the sheds out of the rain."
Wow, looks like if you have your basic needs met such as good shelter, nice food, heat in the winter, cooling in the summer, easy transportation and so much more for most of us at this time of the year, that you are pretty blessed compared to this Confederate soldier.
Count all your blessings folks and strive to remember the ultimate reason we celebrate the season!
Merry Christmas and in the words of Charles Dicken's character Tiny Tim, God bless us, everyone!