Now don't get me wrong...I really like our doctor. He is pretty laid back and down-to-earth...well not as down-to-earth as I am I guess.
I found that information out once he asked me what my diet consisted of. I went ahead and told him that I ate mostly what I could glean, preserve, catch, hunt, or find off the land. I ate organically and used the resources around me. "So for breakfast I had Kefir made from organic milk that I fermented myself and hard boiled eggs from my chickens" I explained. He told me I needed to eat more fiber. I needed to put more fiber in my diet. I told him "I have taken an interest in milling my own grain into flour, baking my own bread, and in addition I eat a hunter-gatherer diet of lean meats such as venison, chicken, turkey, and fresh caught fish. I also eat a variety of organic fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits" which is about as high in fiber as you can get.
Half of what I talked about like my own fermented sauerkraut, kefir, and kombacha confused him; he had no idea what some of even was and said so.
He said, and I quote, "You need to eat better stuff that will move things through your system. I get it that you are "green" and like all those types of things, but you need to change your diet". He ended up telling me to eat more noodles, toast, jellos and things like that. Down the hall I went in my own confusion; there he sat at his desk filling out my prescription for pain with a (healthy?) bottle of mountain dew sitting on his desk

I am not "green". Like my ancestors I am homesteading. No matter what I eat (and I know that what I eat is tons better for me than what I can buy in the store!) there isn't anything that will stop family genetics (those on my mother's side all have had bad gall bladders), or the fact that for centuries folks have gotten sick. Picking up a loaf of nutrition-free white (bleached flour...yes they use bleach to whiten that flour) bread for toast, or a bag of instant, nutrition-free, white flour pasta is not going to fix my gall bladder pain or problems.
Why do I get a label of being "green" when I am doing something that up until recently was commonly done in order for families to eat?
I am pretty sure when those folks took advantage of the opportunity to homestead, they didn't go to their local Wal-Mart to buy instant food or food like products-they grew, hunted, cultivated, and foraged their food just like I do.
We are on a hobby farm and we do what our ancestors did for food; heck it sure saves us a lot of money, and despite my bad gall bladder, I have to say I have never felt healthier in all my born days. Funny how it was what we had to do in order to survive..then it was no longer popular prompting the government to "promote" victory gardens during WWII.
We have become a generation of Hot Pockets and Hamburger Helper people that forgot how to eat real food!